Becoming NRA Certified Instructors
Caleb and his Dad, Ben, have been shooting pistols competitively for a long time. They have also held some shooting matches and classes of their own. Caleb and Ben went to Point Blank CHL in order to get their instructor’s licenses so they can offer the NRA Certified Basic Pistol Course. Being certified by the NRA gives them more credibility along with being a stepping stone for further progression. They are planning to go back to Point Blank CHL so they can get their instructor’s licenses teach a wider variety of classes.
Our Experience
The class at Point Blank CHL to become an NRA Instructor took place over the course of three days in Wichita Falls. The three days we were there were long days in the classroom and at the range. The shooting portion of the Instructor class was unlike any shooting qualifier that either of us had taken before. I, Caleb Petty, have shot the police qualifier and the LTC qualifier. They were so easy that I ended up shooting the LTC qualifier left handed just for fun. This qualifier was very difficult though. You had to get at least 16 out of 20 shots in a six inch group inside of a nine inch target. If you look at the target my dad shot (in the picture below), he has all 20 shots inside the 9 inch circle, but only 18 of them are in a six inch group. Both of our targets were good and we both passed on our first try, but many of the other soon-to-be instructors struggled with this test and had to reshoot it multiple times. We did make some friends in the class, and our training counselor, Heater, did a great job!
Taking Our NRA Approved Class
If you want to take the NRA Basic Pistol course with my dad and I instructing, go ahead and go to our classes page or clock the button below to sign up. Having two instructors who are IDPA Masters ensures that you’re getting high quality training while also not having to listen to the same person the whole time. My dad and I like to keep the class fun and informational by involving and engaging the students.